Here are the next steps
Initial Contact
Once the form above has been submitted and a cost proposal has been received,the customer or their system integrator fills out the detailed lift station description to provide information needed to configure the LSG for deployment including how the LSG communicates with the existing lift station PLC VFDs.
Manufacture and Shipping
Specific Energy ships a Lift Station Guardian Panel to the system integrator for installation along with any required hardware
The system integrator installs the LSG at the lift station, providing power and control wiring. The control wiring provides communication with the PLC and variable frequency drives (VFDs). The system integrator installs its antenna for cellular service with cabling.
Pre-integration Testing
The system integrator works with Specific Energy to confirm power to LSG and confirm that the LSG is able to connect to Specific Energy servers.
The integrator configures the PLC to communicate with the LSG and configures VFDs for communication with the LSG.
Post-integration Testing
The system integrator works with Specific Energy to confirm communications between LSG and PLC and VFDs.