Here are the next steps
Detailed Pump Station Description
Once the form above has been submitted and a cost proposal has been received,the customer or their system integrator fills out the detailed pump station description to provide information needed to configure the DPO for deployment including how the DPO communicates with the existing pump station PLC (and, optionally, VFDs) and whether the DPO will be installed into an existing control panel or into a separate, wall mounted enclosure provided by Specific Energy.
Manufacture and Shipping
Specific Energy configures a customized DPO and ships it to the system integrator for installation along with any required hardware. Depending on customer requirements, this may include a separate, wall mounted enclosure (typical dimensions: 16 in. (40 cm) W x 16 in. (40 cm) H x 8 in. (20 cm) D).
The system integrator installs the DPO at the pump station, providing power and control wiring. The control wiring provides communication with the PLC and, optionally, variable frequency drives (VFDs). If a cell modem is included, the system integrator installs its antenna with cabling as needed.
Pre-integration Testing
The system integrator works with Specific Energy to confirm power to DPO and confirm that the DPO is able to connect to Specific Energy servers.
The integrator configures the PLC to communicate with the DPO and optionally configures VFDs for communication with the DPO.
Post-integration Testing
The system integrator works with Specific Energy to confirm communications between DPO and PLC and, optionally, VFDs.
Monitoring Mode
During an initial phase, the DPO monitors current pump station operation to establish a baseline for estimating energy savings and perform pump tests.
Optimization Mode
When optimization is enabled, the DPO computes recommended pump starts and speeds to meet current operating constraints with minimum energy consumption. If Automatic mode is enabled, the PLC uses the recommendations to operate the pump station. Otherwise, Advisory mode is used in which operators see the recommendations from the DPO but set starts and speeds themselves.